What Exactly is TrumpCoin?

TrumpCoin is the World's First True Cryptocurrency CauseCoin
TrumpCoin is a digital currency that is based on Bitcoin. It was created on February 20, 2016, in order to honor Donald J. Trump and help him secure the presidency.

Now that he has successfully won the election, the community behind TrumpCoin would like to further assist President Trump in accomplishing his goals for The United States.

Our community would love to use TrumpCoin as a worldwide grassroots fundraising tool for projects the president deems fit for improving America.

What does this accomplish?
Digital money is a quickly growing field of technology. Bitcoin is the most well-known example of this, due to its progress in society and acceptance in the world. Digital money as a whole is moving forward and will need precedents set to further expand this technology.

TrumpCoin shows that other digital currencies besides Bitcoin can be capable of great things. It will be the first to pave the way into political infrastructure and plans to integrate directly into the presidency.

TrumpCoin also plans to integrate digital money into the current election fundraising structure by having a TrumpCoin only political action committee.

TrumpCoin Specifications

1. Algorithm: Blake-256
2. Proof of Stake (POS)
3. Circulation 6 million
4. Global Supply 12 million
5. Staking reward 2% annually

Why TrumpCoin?

TrumpCoin shares many similarities with Bitcoin; however, there are some important differences.

Low Market Capitalization
At the time of writing this the current market cap for TrumpCoin is $810,000, compared to Bitcoin which already has a much larger market cap of $18 billion. TrumpCoins are very cheap, it was at a price of about 10 cents (USD) then.

Stable Growing Coin Supply
The supply of TrumpCoin is constantly increasing at a fixed rate of 2% per year. The current supply is 6.5 million TrumpCoins, while Bitcoin has a supply of 16 million.

“We have elected to put our money and faith in a mathematical framework that is free of politics and human error.” -Tyler Winklevoss Entrepreneur

Low Fees
TrumpCoin’s fees are virtually nonexistent at a fraction of a cent. Bitcoins fees are much larger, making it difficult to conduct smaller transactions without having to pay large amount of money for fees.

Energy Efficiency
Tradition Bitcoin mining uses block solving which features complex math that the machine must solve. This is very expensive and power consuming. TrumpCoin uses a different algorithm in which people only must leave their wallet running in order to earn a reward (2% annually) for supporting the network.

Much Faster Transactions
Bitcoin transactions have been known to take hours due to the slow blockchain. TrumpCoin transactions only take a few minutes to confirm, so business can move much faster.

Alternate Digital Currency
Bitcoin is very well known as a digital currency; however, what most people are unaware of is how many more different altcoins there are. Many different people from around the world are developing new coins to showcase what digital money can accomplish and its limitless capabilities. TrumpCoin will give insight to this and show that digital money is capable of as a whole.

Where to Buy TrumpCoin?

TrumpCoin has made arrangements with several online cryptocurrency trading exchanges around the world. You open an account on the exchange you prefer, deposit funds from fiat or Bitcoin, then purchase TrumpCoins.

Click the current exchanges supporting TrumpCoin to Buy & Sell.

1. Yobit
2. C-cex
3. Crytopia
4. Novaexchange

TrumpCoin Wallets - SafeKeeping Your Coins

The TrumpCoin Team has provided a safe and secure way for you to store your TrumpCoins off the exchange purchased at. Currently there are four (4) free wallets for the storage of TrumpCoins: Windows, Mac OSx, Android and Paper.

!! DO NOT send any TrumpCoins to your desktop TrumpCoin wallet until it is 'completely installed and fully synchronized' with the TrumpCoin blockchain. Any coins you send to it from the exchanges WILL NOT SHOW until the wallet is fully synchronized with the TrumpCoin blockchain and online.

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