E-Dinar Coin Developers Announce the Update of the EDC Mining Conditions

The stabilization system integrated into the E-Dinar Coin blockchain system activates the next element of complication.

From the moment of updating, all the coins mined on the account, before the replenishment on the balance pass the period of "maturity". The period for each coin is 30 days. Timer countdown starts immediately, at the time of the asset release, and is recorded in the history of operations.

In the special section of the personal account, the state of the remaining aging period for the mined coins will also be available.

The current EDC mining conditions include the following conditions:

Mining takes place only when the application is running on the computer for OS X, Windows, and Linux versions or the web version the address thereof you see on the screen, and also if the Internet connection is always available;All the coins to be mined, before the replenishment on the balance, must go through a period of "maturity", which is 30 days. The condition for obtaining a daily mining - at least one transaction worth at least 1 EDC per day - remains unchanged.

The launch of the next element of complication is scheduled for June 22, 2017. The update will start at 10 a.m. will be completed at 12 p.m. London time (GMT + 1). For more information on terms and conditions, check the "News" section on the official website.

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